_____________________________________________________________ HOW TO USE OVERLOADER ______________________________________________________________ to change advanced preferences, check under View > Extended Options Different machines might use overloader's API (not completely working yet) ______________________________________________________________ HOW TO CONFIGURE OVERLOADER's MENUS ______________________________________________________________ open rebuzz.ini that is in your main buzz directory: the normal syntax of the file is as follows: [HELPURL] url1=http://www.scene.de/djlaser name1=DJLaser Online type1=0 url2=http://www.buzzmachines.com name2=www.buzzmachines.com type2=0 [UTILITIES] file1=PSI Drum Manager.exe name1=PSI Drumkit Manager type1=1 file2=sep name2=sep type2=2 file3=Buzz Tools.exe name3=Buzz Tools type3=1 file4=M2buzz.exe name4=M2Buzz type4=1 file5=Preset Wizard.exe name5=Preset Wizard type5=1 file6=Theme Editor.exe name6=Theme Editor type6=1 [FILEMENU] file1=m2buzz.exe name1=Import MIDI file type1=1 HOW DOES THE INI WORK: fileX is a path to the file, depending on the type, its also called urlX in HELPURL but acts the same way. nameX is the name as it appears in the menu typeX is a number which tells the type: 0 = URL or a absolute path ("C:\program files\cooledit\cooledit.exe") 1 = path that is under buzz\ ("Gear\asiocontrol.exe") 2 = a seperator bar, the file doesnt do anything ______________________________________________________________ INDEX.TXT RELATED STUFF ______________________________________________________________ ----- will create a separator bar --- Stereo --- will create a stereo icon bar or a separator --- Mono --- will create a mono icon bar or a separator Also some other --- words --- , not finished yet